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Poelzer, Ronald J: Bonavista Energy Trust,
Pohle, Prof Dr Klaus: Schering AG,
Poidatz, Cyril: Iliad,
Poimboeuf, Jean-Marie: DCN,
Poindexter, Christian H: Constellation Energy Group,
Poinsot, Marie-Henriette: BIC,
Poirier, Thierry: AES Laboratoires,
Poitier, Sidney: Disney (Walt) Co.,
Poitrinal, Guillaume: Unibail Rodamco,
Polan, Mary Lake: Wyeth,
Polark, Roger L: Walgreen Co.,
Polegato, Mario Moretti: Geox Spa.,
Polet, Robert: Gucci Group NV,
Poli, Bernard: Recif,
Poli, Roberto: ENI SpA,
Polistuk, Eugene V: Celestica Inc.,
Politi, Michael: Loews Cineplex Entertainment Corp.,
Pollard, C William: UNUMProvident Corp.,
Pollihan, Thomas: Kellwood,
Pollitt, Byron: The Gap Inc.,
Polman, Paul: Unilever,
Pomarez, Francois: Aqualande,
Pond, Dale: Lowe's Cos.,
Pond, Kirk P: Fairchild Semiconductor International, Inc,
Pond, Peter B.: MAXIMUS, Inc.,
Ponder, Ronald: WellPoint Health Networks Inc,
Pons, Enrique Hernandez: Cintra Grupo - Corporaci�n Internacional de Transporte A�reo,
Ponsolle, Patrick: Alliance Unichem plc., Eurotunnel, Morgan Stanley, Moulinex, Soci�t� G�n�rale de Belgique,
Pont, Edward B du: DuPont de Nemours,
Pontal, Jean-Fran�ois: Orange,
Pontet, Philippe: Areva NP ex-Framatome,
Ponti, William: Sport 2000 SA,
Poole, Albert Terence: NOVA Chemicals Corp,
Pope, C. Larry: Smithfield Foods Inc.,
Pope, Charles C: Seagate Technology, Inc.,
Pope, Gregory: Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Inc,
Popeil, Ronald M: MGM Mirage,
Popowich, Jim: Fording Canadian Coal Trust,
Poppleton, Bill: Cotecna,
Porges, Denis: CEAC (Compagnie Europ�enne D'Accumulateurs),
Porta, Massimo della: SAES Getters Spa,
Porta, Paolo della: SAES Getters Spa,
Porter, John A: MCI Inc.,
Porter, Reid: IMC Global Inc,
Porter, William: Cadence Design System Inc.,
Porzig, Ullrich: Collective Brands ex-Payless ShoeSource, Inc,
Posey, Thomas: Steiner Leisure Ltd.,
Poste, George H: Monsanto Co.,
Posternak, Noel G: Parametric Technology,
Postl, James: Pennzoil-Quaker State Co.,
Pot, Wiet: Kempen,
Potamianos, Andreas: Royal Olympic Cruises, Ltd.,
Potapov, Konstantin: Sibneft (Siberian Oil Co),
Potashner, Kenneth: SonicBlue Inc,
Pothier, Philip J: The Maritime Life Insurance Company,
Potier, Beno�t: Air Liquide, Danone,
Potok, Thierry: Marceau Investissements,
P�tsch, Hans Dieter: Volkswagen AG,
Pott, Richard: Bayer AG,
Potter, Dan: Attunity Ltd,
Potter, David E: Psion PLC,
Potter, Jeff: Frontier Airlines, Inc,
Potter, John W: Oxford Automotive Inc.,
Potter, Myrtle: Genentech Inc.,
Potter, Robert G: Solutia Inc.,
Pottruck, David: Schwab Charles Corp.,
Potts, Michael: Jacada Ltd,
Poulsen, Karsten: ISS (Integrated Service Solutions) A/S,
Poulsen, Lance: National Century Financial Enterprises Inc,
Poupart-Lafarge, Olivier: Bouygues, Bouygues T�l�com, Colas, Saur (Soci�t� d'am�nagement urbain et rural), TF1,
Pousset, Benoit: Cesar,
Poutrel, Jean-Jacques: Ingenico,
Pouyat, Alain: Bouygues, TF1,
Pouzilhac, Alain de: Havas,
Powell, Colin: Forstmann Little Co.,
Powell, Dennis: CISCO Systems, Inc.,
Powell, Hugo: InBev SA,
Powell, James: Custer Battles,
Powell, Mickael K: CISCO Systems, Inc.,
Powell, Thomas: Midway Games Inc,
Powers, Richard: KB Home Corp.,
Powlick, George: K-Swiss Inc,
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