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Anadon, Ernesto Lopez: YPFB SA (Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos),
Anaho, Tadao: Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd.,
Anania, Giorgio: Bookham Technology PLC,
Anbouba, Sami: Foncia Groupe,
Anda, Gratian: Barilla Spa,
Andersen, Chris: The Future Network PLC,
Andersen, Vagn: Novo Nordisk A/S,
Anderson Jr, Carl: Arrow International Inc.,
Anderson, Basil: Staples Inc.,
Anderson, Bradbury: Best Buy Co., Inc,
Anderson, Brian: Baxter International Inc.,
Anderson, David: Honeywell Inc., TXU (Texas Utilities) Corp.,
Anderson, Doug: SITA (Soc. Intl. Telecom. Aeronautiques),
Anderson, Fred D: Apple Inc.,
Anderson, Gary E: Dow Corning Corp.,
Anderson, Gerard: DTE Energy Co,
Anderson, Hans-Erik: Skandia Insurance Co.,
Anderson, Iain: BT Group PLC (British Telecom), Scottish & Newcastle plc,
Anderson, John: Levi Strauss & Co.,
Anderson, Kerrii: Wendy's International,
Anderson, Paul: BHP Billiton, Duke Energy Corp.,
Anderson, Ray: Interface Inc.,
Anderson, Richard: Bellsouth Corp.,
Anderson, Richard H: Northwest Airlines Corp,
Anderson, Terje: Orkla,
Anderson, W Lance: Novastar Financial Inc,
Anderson, William J: Dylex Ltd,
Andersson, Fred: H&M (Hennes & Mauritz),
Andersson, Jorgen: Vattenfall AB,
Andersson, Roland: Zarlink Semiconductor Inc,
Andersson, Rune: Alvsbyhus AB, Doro Telefoni AB, Electrolux, Meaning Green AB, Svedala Industri AB, Trelleborg AB,
Ando, Goran: Celltech Group, Pharmacia Corp.,
Ando, Kunitake: Sony Corp.,
Andr�, Emmanuel: MEDEF,
Andr�, Eric: Dexia,
Andr�, Georges: Andre & Co.,
Andr�, Henri: Andre & Co.,
Andreae, Hans-Georg: Sudzucker,
Andreas, G Allen: ADM (Archer Daniels Midland Co.),
Andreas, G. Allen: ADM (Archer Daniels Midland Co.),
Andree, Werner: Vossloh AG,
Andreoli, Alain: Hubwoo.com,
Andreu, Joan Llonch: Banc Sabadell,
Andrew, Robin D: Ricetec Inc,
Andrew, William E: Penn West Petroleum Ltd.,
Andrews, David: PG&E (Pacific Gas & Electric) Corp.,
Andrews, Gloria Moore: Calpers (California Public Employees Retirement System),
Andrews, William F: Corrections Corporation of America,
Andriessen, J E: Randstad Holding NV,
Androsch, Hannes: AT&S AG,
Anfossi, Giuseppe: Acquedotto de Ferrari Galliera SpA,
Angel, Stephen: Praxair Inc.,
Angelacci, Linda: Wilsons The Leather Experts Inc,
Angelici, Bruno: AstraZeneca Plc,
Angelini, Michael P: Allmerica Financial Corp,
Angello, Matthew: Armstrong Holdings, Inc,
Angelson, Mark: Moore Wallace Corp, RR Donnelley & Sons Co,
Angermueller, Hans H: Bankgesellschaft Berlin AG, Continental AG,
Angiolini, Guido: Calcemento SpA,
Angulo, Gonzalo Hinojosa Fernandez: Cortefiel, S.A.,
Anguluan, Edmund P: National Power Corp,
Anido, Armando: MedImmune, Inc,
Anschutz, Philip F: Qwest Communications International Inc.,
Anstice, David: Merck & Co., Inc.,
Anthony, Rex C: Fishery Products International,
Anthony, Richard: Synovus Financial Corp,
Antioco, John: Blockbuster,
Anttila, Juhani: Ascom,
Antturi, Peter: Teekay Shipping Corp.,
Anuarbe, Carlos G�mez: Altadis,
Anwar Sidek, Mohamad: PT Koba Tin,
Anzai, Kunio: Keiranden Japan-Russia Comittee,
Anzaki, Satoru: Keiranden Comittee on Sub-Saharan Africa,
Anzaki, Saturo: Keiranden Committee on Sub-Saharan Africa,
Aoki, Hatsuo: Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd,
Apker, Thomas: Healtheon/WebMD,
Aponte, Gianluigi: MSC SA,
Appadoo, Raph: Sylvan Learning Systems,
Appel, Egbert: Hilti Corp.,
Applegarth, Adam: Northern Rock plc,
Appleton, Steven R: Micron Technology, Inc,
Apuzzo, Joseph: Terex Corp,
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