nombre  pulsa para comparar los precios |
Compremos local, ética y al mejor precio sobre Ethishop  |
año | actividad fuente |
2004 | Provides sewage services to 13 million people and drinking water to 8 million people in UK (2005). Serves an additional 35 million people in Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe through management contracts and interests in utilities. traducir | |
país | dirección & contacto : tipo de producción incentivo fuente |
China | China Water Company (48,8%) : Polaris Institute |
Croatia | Zagreb : 24-year contract to build and operate a wastewater treatment plant Polaris Institute |
Polonia | Dabrowa Gornicza : 24-year water contract to supply water Polaris Institute |
Puerto Rico | San Juan : design, build and operate the US$300 million Superaqueduct Polaris Institute |
Tailandia | Thames Water International Thailand (50%) : BOT contract US$240 million Polaris Institute |
año | empleados <> | impacto social : país fuente |
año | empleados <> | impacto social : país fuente |
año | país : consecuencias fuente |
2006 | Reino Unido : Thames water received penalties from the UK Environment Agency totalling £128,000 for pollution incidents. In one incident from June 2003, Thames Water was fined £50,000 and ordered to pay £8,270 in costs for polluting Swindon's River Ray with undiluted sewerage, killing 8,000 fish. The agency said that Thames Water's response had been "slow and inadequate". traducir | The Guardian |
2000 | : The top worst environmental polluter in 1999 and 2000 according to the UK Environment Agency for England and Wales. traducir | Polaris Institute |
año | país : consecuencias fuente |
año |   | ventas | resultado | | | fuente |
2000 |
| 2,18 | | |   | mil milliones US$ | |
1999 |
| 2,14 | | |   | mil milliones US$ | |
1998 |
| 2,32 | 0,21 | |   | mil milliones US$ | |
año | delincuencia financiera | ventas | resultado | activo | recompra | fuente |