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Global Horizons

Estados Unidos Estados Unidos analytics


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Evaluación « ética » de Global Horizons , grupo y filiales

  • Accionista

  • Actividad & mercado

  • Filial

  • Sitios de fabricación

  • Ejecutivos

  • Impacto ambiental

  • Impacto humano

impacto social : país
Global Horizons' labor-contractor license was revoked by the Israeli Ministry of Labor for "illegal employment of migrant workers." traducir : Israel
Corriere Della Sera
The U.S. Department of Labor denied Global Horizons' requests for H-2A workers in Washington state, and launched an ongoing federal probe into wage and hour violations and housing situations. Washington state's Department of Labor and Industries also suspended Global Horizons' state license effective as of January 2006, citing "a persistent pattern of non-compliance stretching back to early 2004". traducir : Estados Unidos
Corriere Della Sera
Accused of several labor violations relating to the recruitment of thai workers for jobs in the United States, including taxes illegally withheld from wages, under-reported and underpaid industrial insurance premiums, and failure to pay workers the amount in their contracts and "failed to pay its workers in full by the pay date identified in its agreements with workers," says the letter. "This concerns untimely payments made directly to the workers and untimely payments paid directly to their bank accounts in Thailand." traducir : Estados Unidos
Corriere Della Sera

  • Datos financieros

  • Lobbying & corrupción

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