nombre  pulsa para comparar los precios |
Compremos local, ética y al mejor precio sobre Ethishop  |
Evaluación « ética » de American Tissue
, grupo
y filiales
Fraude 1
| [haga clic sobre las imágenes abajo o sobre ayudo para más información]
Sitios de fabricación
año | actividad fuente |
2004 | USA's fourth largest producer of paper goods, including toilet paper, tissues and napkins. traducir | Newsday |
año | delincuencia financiera | | | | | fuente |
2005 |
Mehdi Gabayzadeh was convicted of masterminding a $300-million fraud that grew out of the collapse of American Tissue, was convicted on all counts- conspiracy to commit perjury and securities and wire fraud, bankruptcy and wire fraud, interstate transportation of stolen property and obstruction of justice. The former purchasing manager testified that Gabayzadeh "had 100 percent knowledge of day-to-day activities from the shipping department right up to the corporate office". Gabayzadeh will be sentenced in July, faces up to 20 years in prison. traducir |
| | | |   | | Newsday |
año | delincuencia financiera | ventas | resultado | activo | recompra | fuente |